Let’s Play Series

So my first let’s play went up yesterday, I’ve been wanting to do this for years, and after having people I know agree to start this with me, but than fail to coordinate with me, I decided I would just proceed on my own!

For anyone who doesn’t yet know, I am transgender, I plan to make some blog posts about this later on… my experiences, my journey… but, I will be discussing everything going on in my life, as well as politics here in Ontario, Canada, while I play games. The first game I’m playing is Ocarina of Time for 3DS!

https://www.youtube.com/user/ktaeyln/playlists <– you can find playlists for anything I’m playing here, I plan to publish my let’s play series Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and I plan to try and 100% most games where I feel interested to. If I can muster it, I may also begin playing a second game Tuesdays & Thursdays.

I also stream Rocket League almost daily.