The Religion I Chose

Despite the fact that I even have a hard time calling this a religion, this is the single belief that fits the area of my mind longing for such a construct, and as close as I can consciously get to believing in anything that is not already proven by scientific testing. This belief for me is that all of reality is a fractal, where the dimensional complexity of it is actually a part of itself… hence, other dimensions can have different aspects to our own.

I know for myself, it took a long time to figure out the roots of the patterns that my mind abides by, to truly learn to force myself to adapt and become more fluent with the stream of life, the music and harmonics of reality itself… but I am eternally grateful that despite my childhood, despite everything I had to suffer through… and despite who I used to be, I was able to push past all of this, and learn to be who I wanted to be, as much as this journey is not over, I know at least, I have opened the door to something better for myself.