The Religion I Chose

Despite the fact that I even have a hard time calling this a religion, this is the single belief that fits the area of my mind longing for such a construct, and as close as I can consciously get to believing in anything that is not already proven by scientific testing. This belief for me… Continue reading The Religion I Chose

The Never-Ending Pandemic

Back when COVID first began, I realized immediately that it wasn’t going to end, there was no chance to “flatten the curve”, purely because I’d been paying attention to politics for so long, and the anti-vaxxer movement. Even visiting a hospital way before COVID, while I was in Toronto, and seeing anti-vaxxer messages scrawled` on… Continue reading The Never-Ending Pandemic

Games I want to Let’s Play

So I knew right away the first game I would play was Ocarina of Time for 3DS, and I’ve already decided the second will be Majora’s Mask for 3DS… I’m honestly kind of thinking for my Monday/Wednesday/Friday episodes I’ll stick with the 3DS for now because I’d also love to replay the remake of the… Continue reading Games I want to Let’s Play

But They did it First!

Having lived with roommates for a while now, and trying to better myself as I get older, I’m trying to distance myself from the idea of doing something, because someone else did it first. As cathartic as it can be, one of the major flaws with this especially when living with a lot of others,… Continue reading But They did it First!

Growing Up with Abuse

As an adult, it’s taken me a long time to truly come to terms with the abuse I suffered as a child. I had the dishonor of taking part in arguments about “Who’s abuse was worse”, as well as the torment of knowing that I will have to live out my entire life with these… Continue reading Growing Up with Abuse

Starting a Let’s Play Series

This is something I’d wanted to do for years, but, the more times I tried to find someone to do it with me, the more I learnt some people will 100% tell you they’re up to it, and proceed to ghost you. I get it, there was a lot of anxiety recording the fist 6… Continue reading Starting a Let’s Play Series

Cancel Culture

On an almost daily basis, I learn about some new thing being cancelled, books (such as Maus), or other media. It seems like there’s a never ending stream of content being cancelled in various forms, by various organizations, for various reasons. But the most toxic aspect of all of this is pretending that this is… Continue reading Cancel Culture

Control and Abuse

Being the victim of abuse growing up, I resent my mother and step-dad to this day, but, it wasn’t until I became an adult and tried to understand it all that I started to realize how far down the chain it truly goes. Having had the chance to speak to family members on my mother’s… Continue reading Control and Abuse

We’re All God

The older I get, the more I’m realizing that almost everyone in our society is a narcissist, to at least some extent. That almost everyone in our society believes themselves to have some secret power and control over some aspect of their life beyond that which we could understand in the natural world, essentially, a… Continue reading We’re All God

Everywhere a Grift

Grifting is nothing new, the idea of the Confidence Artist appears in books going back centuries. But how can you truly tell if something is a grift, or a real issue? The answer is through identifying the people involved, their past activities, and trying to understand the situation, because in reality, there is no shortcut.… Continue reading Everywhere a Grift