Pretending to be the Monster

One of the more saddening concepts I had to learn, while dealing with people who experience emotional distress… is that people who have suffered from abuse, will try to “prove” themselves to be the monsters they fear they are, and I believe it to be their way of warning others. I’ve noticed a similar concept… Continue reading Pretending to be the Monster

We’re All God

The older I get, the more I’m realizing that almost everyone in our society is a narcissist, to at least some extent. That almost everyone in our society believes themselves to have some secret power and control over some aspect of their life beyond that which we could understand in the natural world, essentially, a… Continue reading We’re All God

Everywhere a Grift

Grifting is nothing new, the idea of the Confidence Artist appears in books going back centuries. But how can you truly tell if something is a grift, or a real issue? The answer is through identifying the people involved, their past activities, and trying to understand the situation, because in reality, there is no shortcut.… Continue reading Everywhere a Grift