We’re All God

The older I get, the more I’m realizing that almost everyone in our society is a narcissist, to at least some extent. That almost everyone in our society believes themselves to have some secret power and control over some aspect of their life beyond that which we could understand in the natural world, essentially, a lot of people believe themselves to be to some extent, gods.

I believe it to be the key issue as to why so many elements in our society try to enforce irrelevant parameters, and extrapolate skills, understandings, and patterns out of essentially thin air. Judging others based off their gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and background. Now, there are some valid patterns that can be extrapolated sure, for instance superstitions are often cultural, as such if you know someone comes from a certain culture it shouldn’t be surprising if they believe in a superstition that’s related to that culture, while at the same thing it also shouldn’t be surprising if the person you’re talking to holds themselves to a different set of rules entirely.

Hence, the world itself, people, things, outcomes, patterns, are all probabilities, sometimes predictable, and sometimes not, but the biggest mistake we as humans make: is to believe we can predict everything, holding no room for error or adaptation. Walking such a thin line that, your ego may be satisfied, you may feel comfort from believing things are this simple, but, the conflicts that derive from such thinking… shouldn’t be a constant surprise.

The reality is, we’re all gods, we’re all gods of ourselves, our domains, and the extents to which our domains control. Nothing more, and nothing less. And it’s when we begin to infringe on the domains of others, that resolutions are required, no one should be held above anyone else inherently, yet, the deeper issues will always be very complex for anyone to deal with.