The Never-Ending Pandemic

Back when COVID first began, I realized immediately that it wasn’t going to end, there was no chance to “flatten the curve”, purely because I’d been paying attention to politics for so long, and the anti-vaxxer movement. Even visiting a hospital way before COVID, while I was in Toronto, and seeing anti-vaxxer messages scrawled` on the walls, it was obvious to me right away that it was going to at least last a few years, and now devastatingly… it may never go away.

Since the beginning of the Pandemic, it has been demonstrated that our society wasn’t built to protect it’s citizens in this type of hardship… and as it’s progressed, whether due to negligence or ignorance, it has only been validated more that businesses, and the people who run them, do not know how to properly handle a pandemic.

From the fact that stores can’t keep up with cleaning their carts and baskets consistently, to people refusing to wash their hands or wear masks, oir even just use sanitizer, as well as places like many gas stations simply not providing sanitizer at all relying on the customers to do so, and so many other situations that all resulted in the fact that the virus has had more than ample opportunity to spread.

And the big issue is, the more chances the virus has to interact with us, the more chances it has to mutate within us, and other animals, the more infectious it will become, the less likely vaccines will work. I can only hope that something happens to correct the course we’re on.