We All Deserve Balance

This world is increasingly lacking any true sense of balance, as the political divide continues to create a gap within our families, any true sense of the concept of Yin and Yang is being lost. As both sides collectively choose to continue pushing against the other, we forget that everyone has the potential for good and bad, and as more and more people seemingly believe themselves to be the moral standard, to be God, we see immoral acts occurring from more and more people. Because without balancing yourself, your soul, it doesn’t matter “which wolf you feed”, if you can’t differentiate between which one is which anymore.

Now I understand that we all want to believe we’re on the side of justice, this is true with every leader through history, everyone through history, good and bad. Yet, we can generally identify which ones are good, and which ones are bad, so you’d think that it wouldn’t be as hard as it is for some of us to come to the same realization about ourselves.

Yet with the resurgence of Neo-Nazism, the Confederacy, and White Nationalism, understanding the apologetics they use, as sickening as they are, is key to trying to help these people move past their issues, and helping society as a whole move towards something better, something we can all be proud of for the future!

Dividing and separating from these people, as much as it can help with anxiety and stress, will only allow these issues to fester further, and grow. “Divide and conquer” hurts everyone but those who would seek to see us divided.