Lying to Cope

I know I’ve come a long way, working through my issues, to remove my need to smoke weed daily. And I’m astounded now looking at who I was, compared to who I am today… especially with the knowledge that, I did not change this much between 8 and 28… it took the past 4 years,… Continue reading Lying to Cope

But They did it First!

Having lived with roommates for a while now, and trying to better myself as I get older, I’m trying to distance myself from the idea of doing something, because someone else did it first. As cathartic as it can be, one of the major flaws with this especially when living with a lot of others,… Continue reading But They did it First!

Growing Up with Abuse

As an adult, it’s taken me a long time to truly come to terms with the abuse I suffered as a child. I had the dishonor of taking part in arguments about “Who’s abuse was worse”, as well as the torment of knowing that I will have to live out my entire life with these… Continue reading Growing Up with Abuse

We All Deserve Balance

This world is increasingly lacking any true sense of balance, as the political divide continues to create a gap within our families, any true sense of the concept of Yin and Yang is being lost. As both sides collectively choose to continue pushing against the other, we forget that everyone has the potential for good… Continue reading We All Deserve Balance

Extremism on Any Topic

Extremism is becoming more and more common and mainstream, and largely a bipartisan issue. And largely, as one side starts to push further and further towards their ideals, it pushes the other side as a direct response. Seemingly like some form of snake mixed with tug of war, the rope is being pulled, but it’s… Continue reading Extremism on Any Topic