Let’s Play Series

So my first let’s play went up yesterday, I’ve been wanting to do this for years, and after having people I know agree to start this with me, but than fail to coordinate with me, I decided I would just proceed on my own! For anyone who doesn’t yet know, I am transgender, I plan… Continue reading Let’s Play Series

We All Deserve Balance

This world is increasingly lacking any true sense of balance, as the political divide continues to create a gap within our families, any true sense of the concept of Yin and Yang is being lost. As both sides collectively choose to continue pushing against the other, we forget that everyone has the potential for good… Continue reading We All Deserve Balance

Extremism on Any Topic

Extremism is becoming more and more common and mainstream, and largely a bipartisan issue. And largely, as one side starts to push further and further towards their ideals, it pushes the other side as a direct response. Seemingly like some form of snake mixed with tug of war, the rope is being pulled, but it’s… Continue reading Extremism on Any Topic

Shotgunning Arguments

One of the most frustrating and disingenuous forms of argument I’ve come across has to be the shotgun approach. This is where someone will begun just spewing arguments, other topics, contexts, anecdotes, and anything else they can, all as if it serves as some evidence, usually largely out of the scope of the original topic.… Continue reading Shotgunning Arguments

Focus and Results

One of the earliest concepts I learnt was: If you focus on something, whether through desire or fear, you will begin trying to reach that goal, purely subconsciously. This concept has stuck with me, it’s so primal, it’s a narrative that we’re all forced to follow, the rails we’re all locked to, why fear and… Continue reading Focus and Results

Power Corrupts

So yesterday, an interesting event occured, and I felt I need to discuss it. A neighbour of mine who has been speaking out against some of the abuses being perpetrated by the landlord where we live, was forcefully removed by security he had hired, than forced to let this neighbour back into his unit after… Continue reading Power Corrupts

Learning to Program

Where I started, and how I learnt to program the way I do.

Artist Pursuits

I’ve always been fascinated by graphic design, especially while growing up and seeing how fast the “special effects” in movies were evolving, the idea that someday I could learn to make 3D models and textures was definitely very motivating and pushed me to learn about how everything worked. Since than I’ve learnt how to make… Continue reading Artist Pursuits